2009 News and Events
Jim Mesirow was named 2009 Firefighter of the Year by his fellow firefighters. Chief Hennessey presents Jim with a firefighter statue to recognize his commitment to the department, his ability to keep the emergency vehicles in top running condition, and his recent training and joining with the Manitou Springs Crystal Park High Angle Rescue Team.
October 2009 Pancake Breakfast is Well-Attended Community Event
CPFD volunteers hosted a pancake breakfast for Metro District residents. It was a chance to socialize and eat on a cool Fall morning. Below, residents attending the annual Pancake Breakfast take a "tour" given by Chief Hennessey of the recently acquired brush truck.

September 2009 CPFD Trains Residents in CPR
Troy Furr, a CPFD firefighter, trains on the automatic electronic defibrilator (AED) during a CPR certification class. CPFD keeps an AED on its emergency vehicles. The CPR class was instructed by CPFD Firefighter Floyd O'Neil. Seven CP residents were certified in CPR.

September 2009 Firefighters Complete Pumps Class
Deputy Chief Paul Welsch mans the deck gun during the S-215 pump class field day.
September 2009 Tax Breaks for Fire Mitigation
Now through 2013, homeowners in wildland urban interface communities in Colorado are eligible for up to $2,500 tax subtraction for costs they incur in fire mitigation measures. Because Crystal Park has a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in place, residents may be eligible to take advantage of this opportunity. Read more.

September 2009 Purchase your 2010 Crystal Park Calendars
Pre-order for September 24th Availability (an Auxiliary Fundraiser for CPFD)
August 2009 Ten Firefighters Complete Course
An Aid to Firefighters Grant (AFG) enabled CPFD to train 10 of its firefighters in dealing with urban-wildland interface issues. Crystal Park is a wildland/urban interface community which can increase fire danger for residents.

August 25, 2009 WHOLE FOODS GROCERY Contributes 5% of Profits to CPFD!
Whole Foods Grocery contributed over $2,900 toward needed equipment. In addition, generous shoppers donated cash as well. Thank you, Whole Foods!!!! AND THANKS TO THE AUXILIARY FOR ALL THE HARD WORK THAT WENT INTO MAKING THIS HAPPEN!!!
July 2009 CPFD Recieves "Unit Identifier"
Crystal Park received its unit identifier of "CYPX" in the United States Forest Service federal dispatch system. The CPFD was notified by the Colorado State Forest Service that the unit identifier will be used in the event "capability unique to the Department is needed." The new CPFD Unit Identifier is used to dispatch our fire resources if called upon. Loaded in the Resource Ordering and Status System (ROSS) and managed by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), ROSS is a computer software program which automates the resource ordering, status, and reporting process. Established in 1997 and chartered by the NWCG in June 1998, the scope of the project focuses on automating current processes enabling dispatch offices to electronically exchange and track information near real-time. ROSS tracks all tactical, logistical, service and support resources mobilized by the incident dispatch community. ROSS operates in an estimated 400 interagency dispatch and coordination offices throughout the Nation. All 12 CPFD wildfire firefighters are in the ROSS system as Red Card holders with sufficient training to be called upon if needed to fight wildfires anywhere in the country."
July 2009 CPFD Awarded EMTS Grant
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has awarded an Emergency Medical and Trauma Services grant to CPFD to purchase essential equipment in support of its EMS team. CPFD was granted a waiver for the required 50% match, and will recieve $6,596.00 in return for a much reduced match of $732.79.
June 2009 Gift of Life Awarded to CPFD EMS
Firefighters/EMTs Steve Leander and Susi Hennessey received the "Gift of Life" award for their participation in saving the life of a citizen.
June 2009 Floyd O'Neil Completes EMT Training
Congratulations to Floyd, who is now the department's third certified Emergency Medical Technician.
June 2009 Recently Acquired BRUSH TRUCK 940
Brush 940 was built by Emergency One of Ocala, Florida, on a 1979 GMC Sierra Grande 35 chassis. It is a 4-wheel drive mini-pumper with a 350 gpm Hale pump, a 350 gal. tank, booster hose, monitor, pre-connects and drafting ability. It was acquired from the Woodmen Valley Fire Protection District in 2009. This vehicle is in excellent condition, with under 11,000 miles, and enhances the CPFD's ability to respond to wildland fires year round. It will also carry the Department's High Angle/Technical Rescue gear.

July 2009 Generous Donation of SUV Received by CPFD Mike Doughty and Chief Hennessey accept the donation of a vehicle from Victoria West of Falcon, CO. Ms. West donated this Chevy S-10 to the CPFD to serve as "Rescue 970" in support of our Emergency Medical Service volunteers. Victoria's generosity is greatly appreciated by the CPFD and she has helped make our EMS capability more responsive to the needs of the community.
Thank You Victoria!!!

July 2009 Pete Kenny Donates Smoker
Pete Kenny and Firefighter Charles Davis prepare BBQ for the 2009 Summer Picnic. This incredible smoker was constructed and donated to the CPFD by Pete....and he did all the cooking too!!!
July 17, 2009 Firefighter Chili Cook-Off for MDA is Here!
The 7th Annual Firefighter
Chili Cookoff for MDA is scheduled from 4:00 to 9:30 PM on Saturday, July 17. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon of hot chili, hill climb race cars, motorcycle jumpers, bands and much more! The event is being expanded to reach from Platte Ave. down to Colorado Ave. on Tejon St. to fit all of the attractions for this year. Don't miss it!
July 4, 2009 New Valve Installed on Tender 960
Firefighter/EMT Steve Leander demonstrates new dump valve recently installed on Tender 960. This valve reduces the time to dump water into the port-a-tank from 5 minutes to 60 seconds immediately providing Engine 910 and Brush 940 with the ability to rapidly draft as needed.
June 30, 2009 Fire Mitigation Announcement
The Forestry Committee has a limited amount of budgeted funds to pay for fire mitigation thinning and trimming around residences in Crystal Park. This money will be spent in the next few months, so if you would like your home to be considered for this work, please contact Forestry Co-Chairmen Mike Doughty at 685-5372 or Bob Albern at 685-3583, as soon as possible. A Firewise assessment will be done on your home and the results reviewed with you prior to any cutting taking place. You and no one else will have the final say on what is cut on your property.
June 11, 2009 International Pandemic Alert is Issued
WHO raises Swine Flu Pandemic Alert Level to 6 (highest level);
Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association President urges vigilance and preparedness. Local fire departments should be in a planning mode for possible emergency. The World Health Organization provides continual updates.
May 22, 2009 Townhall Meeting Draws a Crowd
Although it was cold and rainy, many residents turned out to learn more about their volunteer fire department. Find out more about the department: organization chart; training capabilities; pictures; auxiliary.
May 2009 Manitou Springs-Crystal Park High Angle Rescue Team Formed
Chief John Hennessey, Firefighters Jim Mesirow and Collin Powers, and Lead Engineer Mike Doughty recently completed High Angle Rescue training. Along with Manitou Springs firefighters, Brad Dorris, Matt Horton, Mike Willie, John Nichols, and Dave Pamplin, they are part of a new local mountain rescue team.
May 2009 Colorado Wildfire Specialists announces Summer Class Schedule
S-215 Wildland Urban Firefighting Special Class for CPFD Coming Soon. See all classes scheduled for the 2009 fire season
March 2009 First Quarter Fund Raising Goals Exceeded
CPFD reached 50% of its annual fund raising goal in the first quarter of 2009, thanks to a generous donation from Pfizer of $1200. As of the end of the first quarter 2009:
March 23, 2009 Intergovernmental Agreement Signed
Read the 2009 Intergovernmental Agreement for Fire Protection between the City of Manitou Springs and the Crystal Park Metropolitan District.
February 2009 New Insurance Rating Announced
Crystal Park has a new insurance rating! Tell your home insurance agent:
CP went from a "10" to a "9".... We are a safer community due to our emergency medical and fire prevention/suppression capabilities and your insurance rates should now reflect that!
February 18th CPFD Second Anniversary and New Address
With the new fire station / emergency shelter-in-place almost completed, CPFD announces its new mailing address:
496 Palmer Trail
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
January 2009 New Signs for Fire Station and Shelter-in-Place Installed
Remember that the new fire station is your emergency shelter in case of wildfire.
January 2009 Fire Station Construction Update
The construction of the fire station / emergency shelter-in-place is almost completed. Watch the Progress!
January 1, 2009 New Annual Goals for 2009 Announced
The fund raising goal for 2009 is $3,000. Overall goals for 2009 include recruitment, equipment upgrades, grant applications and training.