Prevent Wildland Fires in Crystal Park
The Crystal Park Community Wildfire Protection Plan 2013
The Crystal Park Community Wildfire Protection Plan
has been updated by a joint task force including members of the Crystal Park (CP) Homeowners Association Board of Directors, the CP Metropolitan District Board of Directors, the CP Volunteer Fire Department and the Colorado State Forest Service; and approved by the United States Forest Service and the El Paso Board of County Commissioners.

Fact: Lightning and human carelessness are responsible for almost all wildland fires.
However, since Crystal Park is a wildland urban interface, a structure fire is also a threat, and can spread rapidly to the surrounding forest. Be alert to structure fire prevention and to Firewise recomendations.
Lightning Fact Sheet Call 911 immediately for all lightning fires no matter how small in the beginning. These can spread quickly, and must be stopped as soon as possible.
Cigarrette Smoking Outside It is always recommended that there is no smoking out-of-doors in Crystal Park. If conditions warrant, you could be fined for smoking outside of your home or vehicle when El Paso County Fire Ban Restrictions are in effect. It is important to inform any service or construction workers at your home of these restrictions or when fire danger in the park is high.
Crystal Park By-Laws
Our by-laws
address wildfire danger with the following restrictions:
Open fires of any kind are prohibited within Crystal Park. This is also true of the surrounding Pikes Peak National Forest.
Because of on-going drought in Colorado, Crystal Park now prohibits portable wood burning fire pits. For more information, please see the Crystal Park policy.
Fireworks are prohibited at all times within Crystal Park. There are no exceptions for holidays.
No burning of any waste at any time within Crystal Park.
Fire Danger Signs in Crystal Park
Crystal Park has installed signs at the gate and at the lake to alert residents to current fire conditions in the park. When fire danger is high, even a spark from faulty equipment can start a wildfire.
Red Flag Warnings
Weather conditions can increase fire danger suddenly and dramatically due to drying winds and high temperatures. A Red Flag Warning means that current weather conditions can cause a fire to ignite and spread explosively due to gusting winds, high temperatures and/or dry fuel. Extra precautions are necessary at this time.
El Paso County Ordinance 02-2 Fire Ban Restrictions
The Crystal Park HOA and/or the CPFD will alert residents when these restrictions are in place.
The following activities are prohibited during Stage I Restrictions ($600 fine):
1--Open burning defined as campfires and warming fires(except in permanently constructed fire grates in developed campgrounds and picnic grounds), charcoal grills and outdoor wood burning stoves (except at private residences in areas cleared of all flammable materials), the use of explosives, outdoor welding or use of acetylene or other torch with open flame other than in an area cleared of all flammable materials. Fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves are permitted.
2--The sale or use of fireworks of all kinds.
3--Outdoor smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
The following activities are prohibited during Stage II Restrictions ($1,000 fine):
1--Open burning defined as campfires and warming fires, charcoal grills and outdoor wood burning stoves, the use of explosives, outdoor welding or use of acetylene or other torch with open flame other than in an area cleared of all flammable materials. Fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves are permitted.
2--The sale or use of fireworks of all kinds.
3--Outdoor smoking except except within an enclosed vehicle or building
If you have any questions, you may contact the El Paso County Fire Marshal’s Office at (719) 575-8400.